TiTAN Suspension

TiTAN Suspension for Toyota Corolla KE70

Day 8 - Minor Adjustment (24 Sep 03)

Since last night I've been feeling weird. Finally in the morning I think it is the tire's pressure down to 30 psi. I used to drive at 35 psi for precision feel and control. I can't stand the dull, inactive response of the 30 psi, so I stopped at the first petrol station I could find and pump it up to 37 psi hot.

Drive out and everything feels not so comfortable. I get to feel the road very well again. Slowly the absorber settles down and the comfort returns somewhat, but not all. Only took around 300 meters distance. Dam fast reaction time from TiTAN.

The rear height needs to be increased, I feel the rear spring rate needs to be upped too. Due to these two factors, TiTAN feels they need to upped the absorber pressure??? So they did all that.

The rear coil was cut to increase spring rate then a spacer is machined to accommodate the lost of height.

After all this, TiTAN told me that the rear absorber now lack one inch stroke (25mm) and ask me to go back after a week or more for final adjustment.


After the minor adjustment, not the final free complete changes adjustment. The car feels better acceleration, vision, turn, neutral steer etc.

But something's still lacking heheheheheh to be honest. I'm still greedy for the CIVIC double wish bone feel Wahhhhhhhh really love it. I think the next car I'll buy is a CIVIC.

Sorry TOYOTA :( hehehehehehe nah, the next car will probably be a MR2 AW11 or ZZW-30???? if I can afford

So, dilemma dilemma dilemma. What's all this new feelings??? how to describe in English to TiTAN???

Arrrrggggghhhhhh, nevermind. Give up, drive longer, think longer then go to them for final adjustment. 

The warranty is two years. 

After the final FOC setting and you're still not satisfied. You can go back again for complete coil change and absorber change of oil and gas pressure for a mere Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 300. Bloody good deal.

After 2 years and the absorbers die, then complete restoration by changing all oils and re-pressurized is only a mere Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 400.

At some corners there is roll. I wonder why?

Now the car is very responsive to the driver's input. Oversteer and Understeer can be known very quickly and accurately This is cool man hehehehehehe

Accelerator pedal messing during cornering is also very responsive and known to the driver wonderful.

The tire's pressure of 35 psi helps in this case. It Understeer very precisely and Oversteer too, although I never provoke much of it.

Unless low pressure at 30 psi where Understeer or Oversteer is unknown until the tyre's wall flex too much, which is too late and cannot gain proper control in this case.

Come to think of it, I'll need to tell TiTAN about adjusting their absorbers to suite my 35 psi pressure requirement. I hope they can make the arrangement.


  1. Day 1 - First contact
  2. Day 2 - Deliver the front strut
  3. Day 3 - Bill Sherwood, Gary and Sunny Testing TITAN's CEFIRO
  4. Day 4 - Absorber Testing Record
  5. Day 5 - Inspecting the new coilover
  6. Day 6 - Installation Starts
  7. Day 7 - Installation Finishes
  8. Day 8 - Minor Adjustment
  9. Day 9 - TITAN Test Drive
  10. Day 10 - Final Adjustments
  11. Day 11 - Humans are Greedy
  12. Day 12 - Finale
  13. Day 13 - Self Improvements
  14. Day 14 - Reduce front spring rate


  1. TiTAN Suspension for Toyota Corolla KE70
  2. TiTAN Suspension for Toyota Corolla AE82
  3. TiTAN Suspension for Toyota Corolla AE86 (Levin / Trueno)


  1. Side Notes
  2. Side Notes 2
  3. Side Notes 3
  4. Side Notes 4
  5. Effective Absorbers Repairs



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