If do again, how? VERSION_2

If do again, how?

7 March 04

(Update 2014 June - I would not do some of the things written in 2004, original writing is kept in comparison to new, consider it part of lesson learnt)

This article primary concentrate on KE70 but is also applicable to similar cars like AE86 or as old as KE20 or simply put all old Toyota FR may also apply.

The modification steps is sound, concerning safety first (braking) and handling second then longevity & care and finally engine power increase last. This will ensure the car is able to stop effectively in emergency and is able to handle securely at high speed (around 120km/h and accelerating) and most importantly, not break down half way across somewhere.

Instead of increasing engine power first, which always does not stop the car in time and effectively. It lacks safety and limits the very joy of performance driving, especially unable to use late braking. 

The handling is also extremely important because once reaching high speed with a slight deviation in road height and slight cornering of say 5 degrees, with the stock suspension of KE70 it will not stick to the ground and sway and tail wiggle a little. Very dangerous.

Finally power is not important, not breaking down is much much more important than power.

So, below is the step which I recommend to everyone. 

This article is especially useful to people in Malaysia, as all logistics, economics and availability are of Malaysia.


If do again, how? VERSION_2

  1. If do again, how? (Update 2014 - I'd probably won't do this)
  2. Braking System (Update 2014 - I'd probably won't do this)
  3. Tires & Rims (Update 2014 - I'd probably won't do this)
  4. TITAN's Suspension
  5. Engine by Power Zone
  6. Engine to 20v MAP (Update 2014 - I'd probably won't do this)
  7. What other items needed? (Update 2014 - I'd probably won't do this)
  8. How to put 20v into KE70? (Update 2014 - I'd probably won't do this)
  9. Tips (Update 2014 - I'd probably won't do this)
  10. Re-route Water Direction for 4A-GE 20v Engine from FF Chassis to FR Chassis KE70 or AE86 (Update 2014 - I'd probably won't do this)

If do again, how? VERSION_2



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