Water Temperature

The water temperature is higher than normal car. The cause was looked for and trouble-shoot whatever but without improvements. One fine day the followings were noticed: -

Before turning the key to the ON position - notice no battery light symbol ??? - notice the water temperature needle ???

and after the key is in and turn to the ON position, just before starting the car - notice battery light symbol shown now ??? - notice the needle ???

What the hell??????? before the engine starts - in the warm morning, the water temperature already move up a huge degree?

No wonder the water temperature shows 55% hot. Close to 60% even. If the error is cancelled out, then it would be 40% or so. 

So now, the water temperature is not bothered with being high and all. Simply call it, it's calibration is out.


Add Red Line Water Wetter

Yes, it is effective, a noticeable drop in water temperature, extremely slow to rise up to previous level. Extremely fast to go down to cool area :)


12th June 2003 Wednesday Evening

Got a air-cond insulator from a mech. Couldn't get it into the water pipes without taking the pipes out. So I cut the insulator like a swirling circular motion and wrap the water pipes above the hot hot extractor. I wonder if they will catch fire?

Hmmmmm, may be I'll take another clearer picture during the day. Oh, BTW, seems like it didn't help :(

Well, 18th June 2003 now, didn't catch fire, heat has made it a little loose :(


The black foam shield was later removed around middle of Sept 2003, where a sifu William said could catch fire and extremely difficult to put down. When it was being removed the bottom part nearer to the extractor was crispy - tasty hehehehe. 

Well after removing it the engine didn't feel any hotter, so no big deal.

Aftermath 2

The Red Line's Water Wetter dissapeared :( meh meh heh he heheh eh h I want my money back :( :( :( meh he he heh he he 


  1. Introducing Oil Cooler
  2. Cleaning Oil Cooler
  3. Install Oil Cooler
  4. Solution & Bigger Oil Cooler Upgrade
  5. Oil Filter Relocation
  6. All Installed Finally
  7. Minor Correction
  8. Water Temperature
  9. Re-route Water Direction for 4A-GE 20v Engine from FF Chassis to FR Chassis KE70 or AE86



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