How is sound created?

Sound is created when the following criteria are satisfied.

1.An object vibrates.

2.The object must be in contact with the air.

3.The air must be in contact with the listener.

4.The air contact between the source and listener must be continuous, without a vacuum gap.



  1. Introduction to Acoustics
  2. What are acoustics?
  3. How is sound created?
  4. What are the definitions of sound?
  5. How do sound travel?
  6. What is wavelength?
  7. Is sound a science?
  8. How do sound disperse?
  9. How long for sound to reach us?
  10. Do sound reflect?
  11. How do sound reflect?
  12. Do room volume affects sound?
  13. Do room shape affects sound?
  14. What is sound absorption?
  15. What is sound proof?
  16. How do sound wave summate or negate?
  17. Why do we need to know all these?



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