Logitech MOMO Steering Clutch via Leg

24th February 2006

The original foot pedals only have brake & accelerator. It does not have the clutch pedal.

But with a bit of "desperation" and creativity, we can achieve full driving experience with a clutch pedal. Simply tie a cable from the top of the "manual shift-knob" to the leg / shoe on the floor and we've got it.

This method cannot achieve the partial clutch condition like a real car. Luckily since racing cars does not use half-clutch method, and often they are hard, where sometimes refered to as button clutch, hence this method suits just fine.


Tie a cable from the top of the "manual shift-knob" to the leg / shoe on the floor. Step to engage clutch, release to de-clutch, just like a real clutch pedal. hi hi :)



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